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水:500㎖ 48本、2ℓ 24本、20ℓ 2本

ゼリー150g 72個

野菜ジュース1ℓ 24本

トマトジュース1ℓ 24本

カップラーメン 72個

カップ蕎麦 72個








We send our sincere condolences to the victims of the typhoon Hagibis.

Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture is currently providing emergency supplies in Miyagi and simultaneously conducting a site assessment.

We have delivered several supplies such as cup noodles, waters, tomato juice, vegetable juice, jelly (for the elderly), and others to the Town of Marumori in Miyagi prefecture. After being underwater for two straight days, the Town has finally dried enough for cars to access the town center.

We also stopped by the Construction Division in the town office to advise about constructing the temporary homes they are considering since their public housing went entirely underwater.

Town center does not at first have significant damage to the buildings. The damage to the surrounding rice fields and gardens was more prominent. Once progressing further towards the mountains, we can easily recognize more extensive damage with many cars and homes under mud or destroyed. It seems the mountainside has severe building damages.

Other areas in the prefecture like Osaki city in the news and places like the remote part of Ishinomaki, such as the Oshika peninsula, Ogatsu, and Kitakami is also heavily affected.

We are planning to launch several fundraising campaigns soon.

Please empower us to do our work specializing in architecture to support communities rebuild!

緊急支援物資 Delivering Supplies
避難所横に設置された給水所 Water Station
丸森町役場 Municipal office building of Marumori

決壊した堤防 Destroyed levee

被災家具 Affected furnitures

業務用機器の被害も多い Many equipments for shops are also damaged

泥に埋まる車や家屋 Cars and homes under mud

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